
Agile leadership – key for digital business transformation – hype or need

In the light of digitalization and transformation companies need to revisit  their leadership approach.  Agile leadership concepts appear on the radars. Agile leadership and strategy are key for successful business transformations as they enable internal change and act as the north star for the transforming company. Should agile leadership models be applied in any part of the business – studies show the successful companies find the right balance between continuity and agility. As per HBR “Strategic leaders must be agile and consistent at the same time.”

Newer concepts as agility have become increasingly important when talking about successful leadership methods in the digital age. Companies can react faster and adopt quicker to the changing business landscapes.

What are the key enablers for agile leadership:

  • Decide on where to apply agile leadership principles – agile does not fit to all areas of your business.
  • It starts with you! Be a glowing sample of adoption! Be a lighthouse for your business transformation.
  • Reduce management layers – a leaner organizational structure will enable permeability and ensure more creativity.
  • Be open – yes you have been successful in your career with the “old” leadership style but it is time for change.
  • Remove the glass ceilings – strengthen the bottom up approach, learn from all layers of the company and quickly apply this knowledge
  • Democratize access to data relevant to all layers of employees – eg Client feedback – enable employees to feel responsible.

Applying these very simple rules your company will be strongly supported by your leadership in a successful digital business transformation – and don’t forget:

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
– Thomas A. Edison

Key take away:

Successful digital transformation requires leadership that finds the right balance between consistency, continuity and agility. It requires senior, experienced agile leaders. Your leadership is  key for your company´s  business transformation success. Lead as a role model, ensure continuity but act agile when necessary, adapt quickly and guide your organization into the new era.

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