Client Experience - brandnew or an old hat?

Client Experience – a brandnew hot topic or an old hat?

Client Experience (CX), client centricity, advocacy – themes frequently listed as brandnew hot topics or running hand in hand with a company´s digital transformation. But is Client Experience (CX) – is this client focused thinking – really so brandnew or an old hat?

The best read

One of the best books I have ever read (no kidding!) about the essence of CX is Raving Fans from Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. This is how they introduce their book: ” It uses a brilliantly simple and charming story to teach how to define a service vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make stunning customer service a competitive advantage—not just another “flavor of the month” program.” Right on the spot to how an organization should treat their clients. Do you know when this book was first published? 1993. I am sure I can go way back further in history and would find the need of being client focused expressed. We see – Client Experience and centricity thinking has been around for a while.

What´s brandnew?

Today we find a CX landscape that can leverage new technologies combined with excellent CX software solutions. As an example – the evolution of data analytics and Artificial Intelligence drives digital transformation in companies. This is brand new and allows a more democratized and integrated usage of Client Experience insight in all parts of the company. It opens a variety of options to expand methods to show client centricity.

Hidden gems

Be it sales, support or the first customer entry point – at any of the touchpoints with your clients you will find that you do not have to teach your best performers the lesson of being client centric. Why?

  • The spirit to care for the client,
  • the mandate to walk the extra mile for the client,
  • the promise to take ownership of issues raised by the clients even when the problems were not caused by the person who picks them up to resolve

Trust me – this “client centricity attitude” exists already with your highly effective employees, even when CX excellence was never a topic discussed in your company.

This knowledge is common sense for them. As a matter of fact these employees do not need enabling or convincing that putting the client in the center of what they do is the most important thing. They know already about the importance of listening carefully to what their clients are telling them and they act accordingly. I do NOT say all your employees act with client centricity, but even within companies with great improvement potential when it comes to Advocacy you will find “Northstar employees” who could show the way how to behave.

Are employees with this mindset essential for your successful cultural transformation to a client centric organisation? Of course the answer is yes.

Transforming with your very own Northstars

Having passionate advocates of a topic within a team will help adoption; When the best performers, the most accepted employees that are recognized for their skills help you spread the word you have the best partners for an internal cultural transformation you can find. Now add the inspirational leaders & managers in your company who show that they are on board with deploying this mindshift you have the “cultural deployment dream team”.

Good luck with your transformation to a client centric organization. Your hidden gems will support you! By empowering them to support you and by giving purpose you will also improve your employee´s happiness – and you know that Happy employees make your clients happy. Don´t you?

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