happy employees

Engaged employees make your clients happy

Do you know Frank Sinatra´s famous song “Love and marriage“?  What has this song has to do with employee and client experience after all? Look at the lyrics: “… they go together like a horse and carriage. … , You can’t have one without the other“. Frank Sinatra´s song and client & employee experience have something in common.  Employee experience and client experience – they are inseparably connected. They directly influence each others.  You can´t have a great client experience without a compelling employee experience. Engaged employees make your clients happy or unhappy employees don´t create a great client experience.

“Take care of your employees and they will take care of your business. It´s as simple as that.”

Richard Branson

An increasing number of companies understand the connection between a great client experience and satisfied employees. IBM has the employee appreciation day to thank all IBMers for the work they are doing day by day. SAP shares videos on social media about the importance of happy employees that need to take time for their personal well-being as only then they can ensure a great client experience. We know already that the x-factor is truly important.

Why has employee experience become such a hot topic?

Companies have recognized the numerous benefits of focusing on the employee experience and it´s direct impact on a great client experience. Happy employees are engaged employees and engagement generates excellent client experience. Only engaged employees will walk the extra mile for their customers. Take a look at the companies who provide the best customer service and now you compare them to the companies that are seen as the best places to work. It is not surprising that you can see a significant overlap. Creating a great atmosphere to work ensures satisfied employees. The best places to work are very often the best places to buy from. Happy employees are more likely to stay in your company. You will keep and grow your expertise and in-house skills.

Do you balance your employee experience and your client experience?

Do you have engaged employees who feel responsible and are not afraid to take over ownership? Are your employees proud to work for your company? Do your employees truly own the client experience? Answering these questions will be eyeopening. The answers can reveal the right focus areas for your future.   Accountability and a sense of ownership should not be limited to seniority or the level within an organization. Each and every employee generates the client experience and is responsible for it´s excellence.

Let´s close these thoughts with the words of THE expert of making dreams come true:

“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.”

Walt Disney

Key take-aways:

  • It takes people … Your loyal employees are your most precious assets – a great working climate will attract the most interesting talents. It will turn them into engaged employees who ensure an outstanding client experience
  • A great working atmosphere shines. The best place to work for is the best place to buy from.
  • Ensure & demand ownership & accountability on all levels in your company – Put yourself in the client shoes – the experience is created by all touchpoints of a company on all levels.

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